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Deutsch: Zerstörung Jerusalems durch die Babylonier. Illustration aus der Schedel'schen Weltchronik, Blatt 63v English: Destruction of Jerusalem under the Babylonian rule. Illustration from the Nuremberg Chronicle (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
occurs only after the destruction of Israel
The oldest prophecy with figures, which can determine the time that could be crucial for the survival of Earth's inhabitants of our times is that of the biblical prophet Daniel. Daniel is more known for his down-written in the Bible interpretation of a dream of Nebuchadnezzar, the miraculous escape from the burning fiery furnace, the mysterious handwriting on the wall in the royal palace, or his account of the deliverance from the lions' den. Daniel's visions, which mainly affect Israel's future, however, rather less well known.
Over the past centuries have sought to interpret their great minds. Here are just a Newton, the great physicist and astronomer, is the 17th Century
will be called, who discovered the law of gravity in the solar system
and beyond dealing with mysticism and astrology to decipher the
predictions of Daniel. The
existing knowledge of that time went beyond the cycles of teaching,
however, an accurate interpretation of the world-wide prophecy of Daniel
yet. Here, if the interpretation of the time of the catastrophe predicted by Daniel destruction in the State of Israel is made to incorporate other parts of the world to become a possible third World War II to expand, which is followed by an earth catastrophe cosmic origins, to understanding be anticipated that world events in large and small cycles occurs, which, above all, the precession [= precession astronomical term for the precession of the vernal equinox.]) Of the Erdachsenkreiselbewegung in solar system is based on (time = 26,784 years).
The great prophecy of Daniel underpinned the arrival of the world turn in our time through cycles with exact figures in terms of years and days, it is also in the sense of contemporary belief in the concept of precession aeon the reverential term "prince" and "anointed" or "Anointed most holy", the beginning of each undergoes a consecration. This is assumed to make comprehensible this prophecy.
Now follows the word according to Daniel's prophecy and its analogous interpretation: In Daniel chapter 9/24 it says: "Seventy (70) weeks are determined upon thy people (Israel) and upon thy holy city (Jerusalem) ..." It is here by weeks of each 36 years after the Babylonian account. It is 36 according to the "universal principle of the cosmos," which had already recognized the Chaldeans, the size of each subdivision of the calculated total of 42 basic steps of the cosmos. She was therefore also a key figure in the zodiac of the apparent solar orbit of 360 degrees reflected.
In Daniel chapter 9/25 then it says: "There is justice, and brought a most holy Gesalbtwerden." Interpreted: There will be a balance and the ritual consecration of the Aquarian Age.
Daniel chapter 9/75, it is this indicative of the time: "Know therefore and understand, from the time that Jerusalem will be rebuilt ... (Cyrus, the Persian king, issued in the years BC, the 537th command to the Jews of the Babylonian captivity, which are 607-537 BC, that lasted 70 years) ... unto the Messiah the Prince, there will be 7 weeks ... (that's up to the beginning of the Piscean Age the equivalent of 7 x 36 = 252 years of the remaining ram age) ... and yet another 62 weeks ... (the total duration of the Piscean age of 62 x 36 = 2232 years) is, ... then the Walls (Israel be rebuilt) as well in time of distress. "This is the cycle-based prediction that the end of the Piscean Age, the Jewish state, as the loud proclamation of 14th May 1948 happened in Tel Aviv already rebuilt, whereby the dispersion of the people of Israel is approaching its end.
Daniel chapter 9/26 it is then continued: "And after the 62 weeks, the 'anointed one' (the Age of Pisces) have come to an end and be no more and the people of the ruler will come and the city and the sanctuary (Jerusalem and to destroy the temple), it will come to an end, like a flood, and by the end of the dispute will remain desolate. "
This is to be destroyed after the founding of Israel on 14 May 1948, the remains are laid waste by the end of general war. The people of the ruler from the north, which would cause the destruction is, in Daniel chapter 11, verses 40-45 a great power of the North (Russia), in its wake are Libyans and Ethiopians who come to Israel and Egypt, but there finally found their destruction will be.
Descriptions are given of the circumstances of the time in which it comes to this destruction, for in Daniel chapter 9/27 says: "There are many, but by the covenant (alliance with the major powers) will be strengthened for a week .. . (ie the 70th week, 36 years) ... and within this week the sacrifice and oblation cease ... (by which is meant the temple service in time of peace, which will cease with the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple then) .. . and in the wings ... (the four sacred animals of the ark of the temple) ... the abomination of desolation standing until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate yet. "
The global earth catastrophe of cosmic origin thus occurs only after having fallen before the destruction of Israel.
Now, if the first half of this prophecy is closely received, concerning the creation of Israel at the present time, it will almost certainly also with the 2nd Part of the prophecy, which is about the destruction of Jerusalem and of the subsequent earth catastrophe of cosmic origin, at the end of the 70th Holy Week of 36 years will occur 1948-1984, to be fulfilled.
Note: This does not agree the times.
To complement the prophecy, which indicates the exact date of the earth catastrophe in connection with the destruction of Jerusalem, Daniel was still known as Section 12/11, where detaillierend emphasized: "And from the time when the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination The devastation is done, it still 1290 days. Blessed is he who waits and cometh to the (experienced) 1355 days. "These are 3 ˝ years and 12 days from the date of the destruction of Jerusalem, where an abomination of desolation is done until the arrival of the earth catastrophe of cosmic origin. So clearly 1290 days after the destruction of Jerusalem, the latter is to be expected.
In Daniel chapter 12/4-7 is once again drawn attention to a circumstance specified time of arrival of these events. It says: "If the dispersion of the people of Israel comes to an end is to be done, such" The dispersion of the people of Israel on earth since the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans (AD 70) has certainly come to an end in 1948 found. Because the Jews in the world ever since his home-awaited national government has become, so that everyone return Jews to the "promised land" of them.
Daniel chapter 12/13 is now called: "But you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the font on the last time. As many will come out and find a lot of sense and reason in it! And the wicked shall not be careful, but the wise shall consider it to be! "
Seals the Daniel's prophecy was so far that the key was found for cycles doctrine of antiquity until now and godless in the sense Daniels is certainly today's intellectual-sterile agnostic who has no sense of the marriage Risch irrational and prophecy as compared baseless delusion and Urdummheit to the wind, as it was also before the deluge of Noah's day, where people began to take notice only when they were already engulfed by the flood heranwälzenden.
That the earth catastrophe directly under the 3rd World War II by the dropping of a comet, seasonal seen, was triggered in the winter is evident from the Bible prophecy of Zechariah chapter 14/6-7 and 15, which states: "At the same time will be no light, but cold and frost neither day nor night, and at the evening there will be bright light. "This points to phenomena caused by air pollution by dust particles of volcanic origin. In Zechariah it says then: "And then will come the scourge of horses, mules, camels and beasts of all kinds, this is the selfsame army there, just as people are afflicted."
It can be a side effect of chemical weapons, his other hand, the consequences of the falling comets that cause earthquakes and tsunamis and cause toxic gases acting by shortness of breath, palpitations, and sudden death. Losing by a 3-day risk the lives, if they would not stay in well-sealed rooms, talk a lot older and more recent prophecies!
For example, does befall died in 1969, Padre Pio, the great earth catastrophe on a cold winter night just before midnight. It begins with hurricanes of fire flows from the clouds as with continued thunder and earthquakes.
The Sybille of Prague (17th century) speaks of the same disaster that will befall their city on the day of Veronique (calendar-February 4) at 10 clock at night. Who then would leave the living room, drop dead.
We act so as a precaution and for the purposes of the Prophet, if we are His cautionary predictions to heart and find yourself without being in fear, even now, while it's still not too late to make arrangements to offer us in the X-hour security to life and limb assets, namely, for good or sealable residential basements precaution to wear! Pets are not exempt from this provision!
Furthermore, reports of the visions of Father handed Hepidan from the monastery of St. Gallen in the year 1084, which is also the third World War I predict, in which the country between the Elbe and the Rhine, Danube and North Sea battle field, but where is the beat strong hostile power from the East devastating. The great dying that one third of people will gather there will be end with the appearance of the comet in the constellation of the northern crown.
Father Hepidan describes it literally, as it was the genius of the characters shown in the starry sky, which will announce those days: "Look up," said the spirit of "Know the constellation of the heavenly crown of your ward there at noon vertices.. In this star crown jewel will be a new set and a star shine brightly shining where you are now behold the blue of space.
If this star will appear as well-shining fire sign, then the days are numbered for many people, like the days of harvest, when the reaper is sharpening the sickle. After these days of fighting, battles and death is but the human race flourish more glorious than ever before. The sun, which warms and enlightens the world from the south should be moved to the north (Erdachsenverschiebung). And from the regions of horror and the night will come a light, like you never seen before. For reasons of Germania, a current is produced sources, which flooded the whole world. "
According to the prophecy of the monk Hilarion Monastery of Jasna Gora in Poland in the 17th Century come the bloody events of the rise of the great comet that has been shown 1681 (Halley's comet with a period of 76.3 years), bringing with them is the great misfortune. (This comet appeared at the turn of 1985/86.) Is up to the year 1981, after Hilarion peace and then the Eastern Power, the country between the Mediterranean and the Nordic sea with a vast army coat. But the bear between the Rhine and the North Sea will beat the intruders. This will happen in the Seven Mountains in Westphalia. The explanation is, however, comes only after this bloody war without further bloodshed and cruelty, and the victory will come from the enlightened people that dwells in the midst of Europe: from the North Sea and the Alps, such as borders to the west of France and eastward to the peoples of Pannonia . After a Westphalian prophecy flooded the Eastern Power to the West in the summer of the year, preceded by a very mild winter so that the cattle in the pasture is already at Easter in the tall grass.
Note: The Halley's Comet was last visible in 1986. One must be held. It most prophecies and visions agree with their timelines do not match. Consider also the different calendars, which have partly conflicting chronologies.
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