Tough Questions and Some Answers - Faith Facts
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Christians questions about dating and stuff?
98%Christians questions about dating and stuff?. have this rare disease where I ...
Questions about the Christian Life
97% Questions about the Christian Life: What is a Christian? ... Do Christians have the authority to rebuke the devil? ... Should Christians care about physical ..
Should Christians celebrate Passover?
96% Christians celebrate Passover? Should Christians observe ... Questions about Easter. Return to: Home. Should Christians celebrate Passover? ...
Are Mormons Christians?
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Pakistan questions 200 after 8 Christians killed
94% Pakistan questions 200 after 8 Christians killed. Police questioned more ...
94% This question has been debated by Christians for centuries. ... Faith sometimes requires unanswered questions. More than one faithful Christian has cried out to God and still seen the business fail,
10 Questions for Christians- ExChristian.Net - Articles
94%Mar 2, 2003 ... The complete list can be found here with proper credit given to the original author:
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Links to Women of the Bible
Women of the bible is a great study book for
sunday school or women's bible classes.
Published on january 15, 2007 by blove.
Women of the bible is a wonderful study filled
with thought provoking ideas and questions for
reflection. Published 20 months ago by deborah
Women of the bible is a portrait gallery and
reference library of over 3,400 named biblical
characters. Herbert lockyer, this book mines the
wealth of scripture to give you characters you.
Can learn from, teachings you can apply, and
promises you can stand on. All the menthis
monumental book puts comprehensive information
on the men of the bible at your fingertips,
including a list of major characters. Besides
named individuals, it also classifies the
thousands upon thousands of unnamed men. It
includes a guide to the often complex
pronunciations of biblical names. And it
explores the attributes of jesus, god's model
for biblical manhood. All the womenfrom abi to
zipporah, discover how the lives and character
of different biblical women, named and unnamed,
mirror the situations of women today. More than
400 profiles offer fascinating insights into the
bible's multidimensional women. Wives, mothers,
single women, prophetesses, queens, leaders,
villainesses, and heroines--all are portrayed in
rich, thought-provoking detail.
Women of the bible is a necessary and
much-needed activity, ' says. 'it is the only
way to right the wrongs of sexist
interpretations of the bible and the resulting
oppression of women. ? combining biblical
exegesis with archaeological findings and the
practice of midrash, davison uncovers and brings
to the forefront the roles that women have
played in the development of faith. She shows us
how much our foremothers have to teach us about
living in relationship with god and one another.
From the familiar?mary and the mothers of
moses?to the relatively unknown?the daughter of
jephthah and huldah,. Proclaims a more complete
faith story and enriches our understanding.
Davison focuses on ten women whose contributions
have been overlooked or under represented. For
each she provides an exegetical introduction to
the text, historical and cultural context,
insights for sermons, and a sample sermon.
Herbert lockyer, this book mines the wealth of
scripture to give you characters you can learn
from, teachings you can apply, and promises you
can stand on. This monumental book puts
comprehensive information on the men of the
bible at your fingertips, including a list of
major characters. From abi to zipporah, discover
how the lives and character of different
biblical women, named and unnamed, mirror the
situations of women today. Wives, mothers,
single women, prophetesses, queens, leaders,
villainesses, and heroines?all are portrayed in
rich, thought-provoking detail.
Women of the bible is very highly recommended
for personal, ecclesiastical, academic, and
community library biblical studies reference
collections. [a] well-written and interesting
introduction to many biblical characters in a
way that is appealing both to students and to a
general interested audience, precisely the
audience to which it is aimed. Here is a helpful
resource for students and general readers
seeking information on 100 biblical characters
and their cultural significance in western
civilization. The guide covers the entire span
of biblical history from the creation of adam to
the apocalyptic visions of the end of times.
Women of the bible is divided into two sections:
"the book of names" and "the book of stories. "
"the book of names" opens the book and contains
over 400 entries. It is a biographical
dictionary and thesaurus of sorts, listing each
woman - whether named, unnamed, or allegorical -
along with a short description of her life,
alternate spellings, biblical citations where
her story can be found and cross references to
other dictionary entries. It also points out
related entries in the "book of stories. " this
single, alphabetical dictionary is well
researched, easy to follow, and overflowing with
answers to your each and every question. "the
book of stories" makes up the second half of the
book and takes quite a different tone than that
of the dictionary. Here, retold in rich detail,
are the stories of fifty-six very important
women - women whose lives were changed by crisis
and challenge; women who learned, shared, or
shunned faith in the lord. Many of these
stories, when read in the bible, provide only a
bare-bones structure that leaves the reader
wondering about the woman's character and
choices. What prompted her actions? how heavy
was the influence of her culture? in "the book
of stories," the women are fleshed out and given
words and thoughts and ideas to share with the
reader. Their stories are true to the original
texts, but are infused with life and emotion.
They are written in such a way to not only
retell the story, but to humanize their
characters and provide a basis for moral
instruction. You can shout with joy as elizabeth
is granted her longed for child, weep with
sorrow as eve remembers the death of abel, feel
the bond of kinship when ruth refuses to leave
naomi, and experience the piercing sword of
revenge as salome dances for the head of john
the baptizer. They're all here, all real women
and all willing to pay whatever price asked to
gain their heart's desire. Their struggles,
successes and failures still resonate within us
Women of the bible is a product of serious
scholarship that also enables us to consider
what relevance these stories have for today's
women, whose lives are in many ways different
from the stories of our biblical ancestors.
Frymer-kensky succeeds in illuminating with
equal intensity the world of the bible and our
contemporary culture. You'll never see the women
of the bible in quite the same way after reading
tikva frymer-kensky's excellent new book. In her
able hands, these women emerge from the ancient
texts with new strength and vigor. Frymer-kensky
is a dazzling thinker who presents her ideas
with unusual energy and clarity. Women of the
bible is a dramatic, one-woman presentation that
spans the lives of women across the old and new
testaments. You'll find yourself inspired by its
universal message of faith.
Women of the bible is a free christian
screensaver" />. 2634 - women of the bible is a
free christian screensaver - softpedia.
Recommended to both new christians and veterans
of the faith. """--- reviewed by margaret
feinberg (.
â when their stories aren't told regularly, the
church forgets about them and starts to assume
that our faith has roots solely in the deeds of
men. â while of course those men's stories are
to be valued and explored, the bible is rich
with examples of women of faith as well. â
though the church fails to heed their stories,â
god remembers who they were and how they served
him. The name “the god who sees� (el roi)
was a name given to god by hagar. â an egyptian
slave, cast out by sarah and abraham into the
desert, she epitomized rejection. â in
thanksgiving she reaches into her pagan
background and ascribes a name to this god who
saw her struggles. â god accepts this name just
as he accepted the rejected and dejected hagar.
â her story is woven into our story of faith -
her name for god is one of the brief glimpses we
have of the nature of god. I wish all young
girls in the church could grow up knowing that
god not only sees, but loves and respects women.
â but this isn't a message they will hear unless
we tell the stories of the women of faith. â the
story of the midwives participating in civil
disobedience and standing up to pharaoh.
Women of the bible is a necessary and
much-needed activity," says lisa wilson davison.
"it is the only way to right the wrongs of
sexist interpretations of the bible and the
resulting oppression of women. " combining
biblical exegesis with archaeological findings
and the practice of midrash, davison uncovers
and brings to the forefront the roles that women
have played in the development of faith. From
the familiar-mary and the mothers of moses-to
the relatively unknown-the daughter of jephthah
and huldah, preaching about women of the bible
proclaims a more complete faith story and
enriches our understanding. Davison focuses on
ten women whose contributions have been
over-looked or under represented. "lisa davison
not only illuminates the setting within which
the stories appear critically and imaginatively.
She also presents sample sermons on the texts
that are equally critical and imaginative.
Surely, with the help of this fine book, pulpits
long silent about god's messages through women
will be so no more. -walter harrelson, emeritus,
vanderbilt divinity school.
Women of the bible is a necessary and
much-needed activity, ? says lisa wilson
davison. ?it is the only way to right the wrongs
of sexist interpretations of the bible and the
resulting oppression of women. From the
familiar?mary and the mothers of moses?to the
relatively unknown?the daughter of jephthah and
huldah, preaching the women of the bible
proclaims a more complete faith story and
enriches our understanding.
Women of the bible is a series of lessons that
explores the lives of many different women in
the bible. In these lessons you will discover
how god worked in the lives of these women to
make them victorious over their circumstances
and how he will do the same for you. This book
is written to encourage, uplift and empower
women in their christian journey.
Women of the bible is one of my favorite website
pages; check back often, as new devotions are
added frequently.
Women of the bible is fascinating and reveals a
new, and as yet unexamined, aspect of the
rabbis' thoughts on women and femininity in
general. The profound and complex picture that
emerges from these traditions constitutes an
important contribution to the study of women's
status and gender studies. The editions used for
the sources for which scientific editions have
been published were preferred. Unless specified
otherwise, these editions are in hebrew.
Women of the bible is a dramatic, one-woman
presentation that brings the bible to life in
ways that offer lessons for the present and hope
for the future. "it is my prayer that my
dramatic retelling of these sacred stories
glorifies god," says anita gutschick, the
acclaimed actress who gives voice to these
biblical women.
Women of the bible is a free christian
screensaver which features 25 images that point
to gods eternal providence and mercy to us
through the women in the bible.
When their stories aren't told regularly, the
church forgets about them and starts to assume
that our faith has roots solely in the deeds of
men. While of course those men's stories are to
be valued and explored, the bible is rich with
examples of women of faith as well. The church
has often failed to heed their stories, but god
remembers who they were and how they served him.
An egyptian slave, cast out by sarah and abraham
into the desert, she epitomized rejection. In
thanksgiving she reaches into her pagan
background and ascribes a name to this god who
saw her struggles. God accepts this name just as
he accepted the rejected and dejected hagar. Her
story is woven into our story of faith - her
name for god one of the brief glimpses we have
of the nature of god. But this isn't a message
they will hear unless we tell the stories of the
women of faith. The story of the midwifes
participating in civil disobedience and standing
up to pharaoh. Women
of the bible is a free christian screensaver
which features 25 images that point to god's
eternal providence and mercy to us through the
women in the bible. Bible analyzer is a bible
analysis program developed to aid believers in
their study and defense of the holy bible.
" there are currently twelve stories available
from the old and new testaments, as well as
anita's personal testimony and/or "lessons along
the way". " after determining the desired length
of the program, any theme, the makeup of the
audience and other pertinent information, a
decision is made about which stories should be
told in what order. " if used for a worship
service, a program can be abbreviated to fit
during the service. The books of
the bible were written by men, personalities of
the women were little mentioned.
Her place in christian the- ology has been as
important as her place as "mother of us all,"
and yet, strangely enough, her name is mentioned
in the whole bible but four times - twice in the
old testament and twice in the new. This is not,
however, the only instance in which the
importance of a term in historical theology has
been out of all pro- portion with its prominence
in the bible. The great doctrine of the trinity
is a remarkable case in point it has played a
leading part in historical theology, but in the
bible there is no mention of it whatsoever,
whether or not, as some think, there are
statements in which it exists potentially, and
from which it can be log- ically inferred. The
careful reader will notice that there are 3
women of the bible in genesis two very different
accounts of wom- an's first appearance on the
creative scene; the first in chap, i. They
afford one of the happiest illustra- tions of
that theory of the pentateuch's composite
character which was first broached by astruc, a
french physician, midway of the last century. It
has been fiercely contested, but its acceptance
is now one of the commonplaces in which all
biblical scholars are agreed. As hebrew docu-
ments both of these stories were doubtless of
late (and perhaps foreign) origin. Nothing could
be further from the truth than to suppose that
the bible was written in its present order -
first genesis, then exodus, and so on. Large
por- tions of the pentateuch were written during
or after the exile, and it 'did not reach its
present form until the alexandrian period, after
330 b. That the first account, that of the
elohist, so called, is of a loftier strain than
that of the yah- wehist, is universally agreed.
No part of the bible is more frankly
anthropomorphic than the latter and the next
following chapter, which re- cites the story of
the fall. The god yahweh 4 9 * eve walks in the
garden in the cool of the day, avoid- ing the
uncomfortable heat; he brings the ani- mals to
adam to be named, and discovers that there is
none among them that will make a good helpmeet
for him; when. Adam hides himself yahweh cannot
at first tell where he is; he cross-questions
him about the fatal tree; he is afraid that he
will eat of the tree of life and so live
forever, and, unable (apparently) to destroy the
virtue of the tree, he drives adam and eve out
of the garden and sets cherubim with flam- ing
swords to prevent their coming back. All this is
charmingly naive, but it does not attain to the
dignity of the first account of the creation.
There the word of god creates the man and woman
at once in his own image, while in the second
account the man is made from the wet dust of the
ground and the woman from a bone of his body. Women
of the bible is that god is part of this story,
as difficult as the journey may be. It may be a
long journey or a short one, perhaps with many
twists and turns, but we know that god walks
with us and waits with us in our pain.
Being abram's wife (see abram's wife), there are
times when she exemplifies the best qualities of
faithfulness and humility, and other times where
she comes off as downright mean or defiant. We
get a little hint that she was something of a
prima donna, or in other words a spoiled brat.
After all, her original name (sarai) means “my
princess” and she is frequently described as
stunningly attractive, gaining her many
privileges. The funny thing is that the story of
sarah doesn't begin until she's already 65. A
pharaoh even tries to take her as his wife,
despite her many years. Her story begins in
genesis 12, with her and her husband's original
names: sarai and abram. Introductionname the one
thing you desire the most in life. Now imagine
that it was confirmed that it was impossible for
you (such as, if you wanted to be professional
athlete, imagine you lose the functions of your
legs or arms). How do you think you would deal
with this? this is how it was for sarai. Her
greatest desire is stated in the first verses
where she appears, in genesis 11:29-30. She
wanted so much to have children, but she was
physically unable to conceive. What command was
given to sarai's husband in v1? what destiny
awaited them? what positive and negative
feelings might be going through sarai?the
journey to canaansee genesis 12:12. Abram was
called by god to go to canaan—a land that god
promised to give abram's descendants. As he and
sarai enter egypt on their way to canaan (the
land which god promised to give their
descendants), abram gets scared. Built by
Women of the bible is a great study book for
sunday school or women's bible classes.
Published on january 15, 2007 by blove.
Women of the bible is a wonderful study filled
with thought provoking ideas and questions for
reflection. Published 20 months ago by deborah
Women of the bible is a portrait gallery and
reference library of over 3,400 named biblical
characters. Herbert lockyer, this book mines the
wealth of scripture to give you characters you.
Can learn from, teachings you can apply, and
promises you can stand on. All the menthis
monumental book puts comprehensive information
on the men of the bible at your fingertips,
including a list of major characters. Besides
named individuals, it also classifies the
thousands upon thousands of unnamed men. It
includes a guide to the often complex
pronunciations of biblical names. And it
explores the attributes of jesus, god's model
for biblical manhood. All the womenfrom abi to
zipporah, discover how the lives and character
of different biblical women, named and unnamed,
mirror the situations of women today. More than
400 profiles offer fascinating insights into the
bible's multidimensional women. Wives, mothers,
single women, prophetesses, queens, leaders,
villainesses, and heroines--all are portrayed in
rich, thought-provoking detail.
Women of the bible is a necessary and
much-needed activity, ' says. 'it is the only
way to right the wrongs of sexist
interpretations of the bible and the resulting
oppression of women. ? combining biblical
exegesis with archaeological findings and the
practice of midrash, davison uncovers and brings
to the forefront the roles that women have
played in the development of faith. She shows us
how much our foremothers have to teach us about
living in relationship with god and one another.
From the familiar?mary and the mothers of
moses?to the relatively unknown?the daughter of
jephthah and huldah,. Proclaims a more complete
faith story and enriches our understanding.
Davison focuses on ten women whose contributions
have been overlooked or under represented. For
each she provides an exegetical introduction to
the text, historical and cultural context,
insights for sermons, and a sample sermon.
Herbert lockyer, this book mines the wealth of
scripture to give you characters you can learn
from, teachings you can apply, and promises you
can stand on. This monumental book puts
comprehensive information on the men of the
bible at your fingertips, including a list of
major characters. From abi to zipporah, discover
how the lives and character of different
biblical women, named and unnamed, mirror the
situations of women today. Wives, mothers,
single women, prophetesses, queens, leaders,
villainesses, and heroines?all are portrayed in
rich, thought-provoking detail.
Women of the bible is very highly recommended
for personal, ecclesiastical, academic, and
community library biblical studies reference
collections. [a] well-written and interesting
introduction to many biblical characters in a
way that is appealing both to students and to a
general interested audience, precisely the
audience to which it is aimed. Here is a helpful
resource for students and general readers
seeking information on 100 biblical characters
and their cultural significance in western
civilization. The guide covers the entire span
of biblical history from the creation of adam to
the apocalyptic visions of the end of times.
Women of the bible is divided into two sections:
"the book of names" and "the book of stories. "
"the book of names" opens the book and contains
over 400 entries. It is a biographical
dictionary and thesaurus of sorts, listing each
woman - whether named, unnamed, or allegorical -
along with a short description of her life,
alternate spellings, biblical citations where
her story can be found and cross references to
other dictionary entries. It also points out
related entries in the "book of stories. " this
single, alphabetical dictionary is well
researched, easy to follow, and overflowing with
answers to your each and every question. "the
book of stories" makes up the second half of the
book and takes quite a different tone than that
of the dictionary. Here, retold in rich detail,
are the stories of fifty-six very important
women - women whose lives were changed by crisis
and challenge; women who learned, shared, or
shunned faith in the lord. Many of these
stories, when read in the bible, provide only a
bare-bones structure that leaves the reader
wondering about the woman's character and
choices. What prompted her actions? how heavy
was the influence of her culture? in "the book
of stories," the women are fleshed out and given
words and thoughts and ideas to share with the
reader. Their stories are true to the original
texts, but are infused with life and emotion.
They are written in such a way to not only
retell the story, but to humanize their
characters and provide a basis for moral
instruction. You can shout with joy as elizabeth
is granted her longed for child, weep with
sorrow as eve remembers the death of abel, feel
the bond of kinship when ruth refuses to leave
naomi, and experience the piercing sword of
revenge as salome dances for the head of john
the baptizer. They're all here, all real women
and all willing to pay whatever price asked to
gain their heart's desire. Their struggles,
successes and failures still resonate within us
Women of the bible is a product of serious
scholarship that also enables us to consider
what relevance these stories have for today's
women, whose lives are in many ways different
from the stories of our biblical ancestors.
Frymer-kensky succeeds in illuminating with
equal intensity the world of the bible and our
contemporary culture. You'll never see the women
of the bible in quite the same way after reading
tikva frymer-kensky's excellent new book. In her
able hands, these women emerge from the ancient
texts with new strength and vigor. Frymer-kensky
is a dazzling thinker who presents her ideas
with unusual energy and clarity. Women of the
bible is a dramatic, one-woman presentation that
spans the lives of women across the old and new
testaments. You'll find yourself inspired by its
universal message of faith.
Women of the bible is a free christian
screensaver" />. 2634 - women of the bible is a
free christian screensaver - softpedia.
Recommended to both new christians and veterans
of the faith. """--- reviewed by margaret
feinberg (.
â when their stories aren't told regularly, the
church forgets about them and starts to assume
that our faith has roots solely in the deeds of
men. â while of course those men's stories are
to be valued and explored, the bible is rich
with examples of women of faith as well. â
though the church fails to heed their stories,â
god remembers who they were and how they served
him. The name “the god who sees� (el roi)
was a name given to god by hagar. â an egyptian
slave, cast out by sarah and abraham into the
desert, she epitomized rejection. â in
thanksgiving she reaches into her pagan
background and ascribes a name to this god who
saw her struggles. â god accepts this name just
as he accepted the rejected and dejected hagar.
â her story is woven into our story of faith -
her name for god is one of the brief glimpses we
have of the nature of god. I wish all young
girls in the church could grow up knowing that
god not only sees, but loves and respects women.
â but this isn't a message they will hear unless
we tell the stories of the women of faith. â the
story of the midwives participating in civil
disobedience and standing up to pharaoh.
Women of the bible is a necessary and
much-needed activity," says lisa wilson davison.
"it is the only way to right the wrongs of
sexist interpretations of the bible and the
resulting oppression of women. " combining
biblical exegesis with archaeological findings
and the practice of midrash, davison uncovers
and brings to the forefront the roles that women
have played in the development of faith. From
the familiar-mary and the mothers of moses-to
the relatively unknown-the daughter of jephthah
and huldah, preaching about women of the bible
proclaims a more complete faith story and
enriches our understanding. Davison focuses on
ten women whose contributions have been
over-looked or under represented. "lisa davison
not only illuminates the setting within which
the stories appear critically and imaginatively.
She also presents sample sermons on the texts
that are equally critical and imaginative.
Surely, with the help of this fine book, pulpits
long silent about god's messages through women
will be so no more. -walter harrelson, emeritus,
vanderbilt divinity school.
Women of the bible is a necessary and
much-needed activity, ? says lisa wilson
davison. ?it is the only way to right the wrongs
of sexist interpretations of the bible and the
resulting oppression of women. From the
familiar?mary and the mothers of moses?to the
relatively unknown?the daughter of jephthah and
huldah, preaching the women of the bible
proclaims a more complete faith story and
enriches our understanding.
Women of the bible is a series of lessons that
explores the lives of many different women in
the bible. In these lessons you will discover
how god worked in the lives of these women to
make them victorious over their circumstances
and how he will do the same for you. This book
is written to encourage, uplift and empower
women in their christian journey.
Women of the bible is one of my favorite website
pages; check back often, as new devotions are
added frequently.
Women of the bible is fascinating and reveals a
new, and as yet unexamined, aspect of the
rabbis' thoughts on women and femininity in
general. The profound and complex picture that
emerges from these traditions constitutes an
important contribution to the study of women's
status and gender studies. The editions used for
the sources for which scientific editions have
been published were preferred. Unless specified
otherwise, these editions are in hebrew.
Women of the bible is a dramatic, one-woman
presentation that brings the bible to life in
ways that offer lessons for the present and hope
for the future. "it is my prayer that my
dramatic retelling of these sacred stories
glorifies god," says anita gutschick, the
acclaimed actress who gives voice to these
biblical women.
Women of the bible is a free christian
screensaver which features 25 images that point
to gods eternal providence and mercy to us
through the women in the bible.
When their stories aren't told regularly, the
church forgets about them and starts to assume
that our faith has roots solely in the deeds of
men. While of course those men's stories are to
be valued and explored, the bible is rich with
examples of women of faith as well. The church
has often failed to heed their stories, but god
remembers who they were and how they served him.
An egyptian slave, cast out by sarah and abraham
into the desert, she epitomized rejection. In
thanksgiving she reaches into her pagan
background and ascribes a name to this god who
saw her struggles. God accepts this name just as
he accepted the rejected and dejected hagar. Her
story is woven into our story of faith - her
name for god one of the brief glimpses we have
of the nature of god. But this isn't a message
they will hear unless we tell the stories of the
women of faith. The story of the midwifes
participating in civil disobedience and standing
up to pharaoh. Women
of the bible is a free christian screensaver
which features 25 images that point to god's
eternal providence and mercy to us through the
women in the bible. Bible analyzer is a bible
analysis program developed to aid believers in
their study and defense of the holy bible.
" there are currently twelve stories available
from the old and new testaments, as well as
anita's personal testimony and/or "lessons along
the way". " after determining the desired length
of the program, any theme, the makeup of the
audience and other pertinent information, a
decision is made about which stories should be
told in what order. " if used for a worship
service, a program can be abbreviated to fit
during the service. The books of
the bible were written by men, personalities of
the women were little mentioned.
Her place in christian the- ology has been as
important as her place as "mother of us all,"
and yet, strangely enough, her name is mentioned
in the whole bible but four times - twice in the
old testament and twice in the new. This is not,
however, the only instance in which the
importance of a term in historical theology has
been out of all pro- portion with its prominence
in the bible. The great doctrine of the trinity
is a remarkable case in point it has played a
leading part in historical theology, but in the
bible there is no mention of it whatsoever,
whether or not, as some think, there are
statements in which it exists potentially, and
from which it can be log- ically inferred. The
careful reader will notice that there are 3
women of the bible in genesis two very different
accounts of wom- an's first appearance on the
creative scene; the first in chap, i. They
afford one of the happiest illustra- tions of
that theory of the pentateuch's composite
character which was first broached by astruc, a
french physician, midway of the last century. It
has been fiercely contested, but its acceptance
is now one of the commonplaces in which all
biblical scholars are agreed. As hebrew docu-
ments both of these stories were doubtless of
late (and perhaps foreign) origin. Nothing could
be further from the truth than to suppose that
the bible was written in its present order -
first genesis, then exodus, and so on. Large
por- tions of the pentateuch were written during
or after the exile, and it 'did not reach its
present form until the alexandrian period, after
330 b. That the first account, that of the
elohist, so called, is of a loftier strain than
that of the yah- wehist, is universally agreed.
No part of the bible is more frankly
anthropomorphic than the latter and the next
following chapter, which re- cites the story of
the fall. The god yahweh 4 9 * eve walks in the
garden in the cool of the day, avoid- ing the
uncomfortable heat; he brings the ani- mals to
adam to be named, and discovers that there is
none among them that will make a good helpmeet
for him; when. Adam hides himself yahweh cannot
at first tell where he is; he cross-questions
him about the fatal tree; he is afraid that he
will eat of the tree of life and so live
forever, and, unable (apparently) to destroy the
virtue of the tree, he drives adam and eve out
of the garden and sets cherubim with flam- ing
swords to prevent their coming back. All this is
charmingly naive, but it does not attain to the
dignity of the first account of the creation.
There the word of god creates the man and woman
at once in his own image, while in the second
account the man is made from the wet dust of the
ground and the woman from a bone of his body. Women
of the bible is that god is part of this story,
as difficult as the journey may be. It may be a
long journey or a short one, perhaps with many
twists and turns, but we know that god walks
with us and waits with us in our pain.
Being abram's wife (see abram's wife), there are
times when she exemplifies the best qualities of
faithfulness and humility, and other times where
she comes off as downright mean or defiant. We
get a little hint that she was something of a
prima donna, or in other words a spoiled brat.
After all, her original name (sarai) means “my
princess” and she is frequently described as
stunningly attractive, gaining her many
privileges. The funny thing is that the story of
sarah doesn't begin until she's already 65. A
pharaoh even tries to take her as his wife,
despite her many years. Her story begins in
genesis 12, with her and her husband's original
names: sarai and abram. Introductionname the one
thing you desire the most in life. Now imagine
that it was confirmed that it was impossible for
you (such as, if you wanted to be professional
athlete, imagine you lose the functions of your
legs or arms). How do you think you would deal
with this? this is how it was for sarai. Her
greatest desire is stated in the first verses
where she appears, in genesis 11:29-30. She
wanted so much to have children, but she was
physically unable to conceive. What command was
given to sarai's husband in v1? what destiny
awaited them? what positive and negative
feelings might be going through sarai?the
journey to canaansee genesis 12:12. Abram was
called by god to go to canaan—a land that god
promised to give abram's descendants. As he and
sarai enter egypt on their way to canaan (the
land which god promised to give their
descendants), abram gets scared. Built by
Monday, September 28, 2009
the Gospel Driven Life--Book and videos
This book is a sequel to Christless
Christianity, moving from “the crisis to
solutions, in the hope that we will see a new
reformation in the faith, practice, and witness
of contemporary Christianity.” Horton explains
his purpose in the opening words of the
introduction: The goal of this book is to
reorient our faith and practice as Christians
and churches toward the gospel: that is, the
announcement of God’s victory over sin and death
in his Son, Jesus Christ. The first six chapters
explore that breaking news from heaven, while
the rest of the book focuses on the kind of
community that this gospel generates in our
world. It is not merely that there is a gospel
and then a community of people who believe it;
the gospel creates the kind of community that is
even now an imperfect preview of the kingdom’s
marriage feast that awaits us. You can read some
free sample material from the book here. The
book is also available from Amazon.
What is the Gospel Driven Life ? (Part 1 of 5)-Dr. Michael Horton from White Horse Inn
What is the Gospel Driven Life ? (Part 2 of 5)-Dr. Michael Horton from White Horse Inn
What is the Gospel Driven Life ? (Part 3 of 5)-Dr. Michael Horton from White Horse Inn
What is the Gospel Driven Life ? (Part 4 of 5)-Dr. Michael Horton from White Horse Inn
What is the Gospel Driven Life ? (Part 5 of 5)-Dr. Michael Horton from White Horse Inn

Christianity, moving from “the crisis to
solutions, in the hope that we will see a new
reformation in the faith, practice, and witness
of contemporary Christianity.” Horton explains
his purpose in the opening words of the
introduction: The goal of this book is to
reorient our faith and practice as Christians
and churches toward the gospel: that is, the
announcement of God’s victory over sin and death
in his Son, Jesus Christ. The first six chapters
explore that breaking news from heaven, while
the rest of the book focuses on the kind of
community that this gospel generates in our
world. It is not merely that there is a gospel
and then a community of people who believe it;
the gospel creates the kind of community that is
even now an imperfect preview of the kingdom’s
marriage feast that awaits us. You can read some
free sample material from the book here. The
book is also available from Amazon.
What is the Gospel Driven Life ? (Part 1 of 5)-Dr. Michael Horton from White Horse Inn
What is the Gospel Driven Life ? (Part 2 of 5)-Dr. Michael Horton from White Horse Inn
What is the Gospel Driven Life ? (Part 3 of 5)-Dr. Michael Horton from White Horse Inn
What is the Gospel Driven Life ? (Part 4 of 5)-Dr. Michael Horton from White Horse Inn
What is the Gospel Driven Life ? (Part 5 of 5)-Dr. Michael Horton from White Horse Inn

The Ressurection Did it All
Jesus’ resurrection really did change
everything. It changed the cross from a tragedy
into a triumph, and it changed the Roman Empire
into a Christian state. This was the most
powerful divine event in the history of
creation, and it ushered in a new age of the
Holy Spirit’s activity and power in saving and
transforming lives. When considering if
Christianity is true, it all boils down to
whether Jesus rose from the dead. The lives of
Christians today demonstrate that the
resurrection is still changing people… (Raised With Christ, pp 15)
everything. It changed the cross from a tragedy
into a triumph, and it changed the Roman Empire
into a Christian state. This was the most
powerful divine event in the history of
creation, and it ushered in a new age of the
Holy Spirit’s activity and power in saving and
transforming lives. When considering if
Christianity is true, it all boils down to
whether Jesus rose from the dead. The lives of
Christians today demonstrate that the
resurrection is still changing people… (Raised With Christ, pp 15)
Free PDF on Gospel Definitions
Gospel Definitions – PDF Format
A couple weeks ago, I posted links to dozens of definitions of “the gospel” that have been collected on this blog. Several readers have asked for a PDF version of these Gospel Definitions, to make it easier to look over.
Here is a 29-page booklet that includes all of the “Gospel Definitions” I have found so far. I will be updating this document periodically.
© Copyright by Trevin Wax |
Here is a 29-page booklet that includes all of the “Gospel Definitions” I have found so far. I will be updating this document periodically.
FREE Waterproof Bible!
After a one-week hiatus, we are back with
another edition of Free Stuff Fridays. This
week’s sponsor is Bardin & Marsee Publishing and
the prize they are offering is a mite unusual.
They have offered up six copies of The
Waterproof Bible. Now this is the kind of
product that might lead you to immediately roll
your eyes; but hang on for a moment. The
Waterproof Bible is simply a Bible that is,
well, waterproof. Available in the NIV and KJV,
it is regular-sized Bible but one that you can
take with you anywhere. The pages are very
difficult to tear and, as you’d expect, you can
drop it in the ocean and it will be just fine.
The copy they sent to me shipped already-wet
just to prove that this Bible truly is not going
to get soggy. m-waterproof.jpg Here is Bobby
Bardin’s story of how he came to see the need
for a waterproof Bible: As a believer in Christ
and one that has always loved to be in God’s
creation exposed to the elements, I have often
desired to have my Bible by my side for reading
here and there. My exploring has led me to
mountain tops, river banks, sandy beaches, misty
valleys, and hot springs, and has caused me to
become soaked to the core while backpacking or
paddling. I hate to admit that my Bible has not
made it with me on many of these occasions for
the sake of protecting it and because I don’t
trust a plastic bag not to puncture. Michael and
I have been talking about how awesome it would
be to have a waterproof Bible for many years
now, and we have finally decided to produce it
ourselves. Now we can put an end to all the
worrying that we have done in the past about our
Bibles and take God’s Word wherever our
adventures lead. To make this happen, Michael,
Anna (my wife), and I have formed Bardin &
Marsee Publishing, LLC to produce the world’s
first waterproof, rugged, and tear resistant
Bibles. We hope that you find heaps of enjoyment
reading God’s Word in all weather environments.
Bardin & Marsee have kindly offered up six
copies of the NIV Waterproof Bible for this
giveaway so there will be, of course, six
winners. Rules: You may only enter the draw
once. Simply fill out your name and email
address to enter the draw. As soon as the
winners have been chosen, all names and
addresses will be immediately and permanently
erased. Winners will be notified by email. The
giveaway closes Saturday at noon.
another edition of Free Stuff Fridays. This
week’s sponsor is Bardin & Marsee Publishing and
the prize they are offering is a mite unusual.
They have offered up six copies of The
Waterproof Bible. Now this is the kind of
product that might lead you to immediately roll
your eyes; but hang on for a moment. The
Waterproof Bible is simply a Bible that is,
well, waterproof. Available in the NIV and KJV,
it is regular-sized Bible but one that you can
take with you anywhere. The pages are very
difficult to tear and, as you’d expect, you can
drop it in the ocean and it will be just fine.
The copy they sent to me shipped already-wet
just to prove that this Bible truly is not going
to get soggy. m-waterproof.jpg Here is Bobby
Bardin’s story of how he came to see the need
for a waterproof Bible: As a believer in Christ
and one that has always loved to be in God’s
creation exposed to the elements, I have often
desired to have my Bible by my side for reading
here and there. My exploring has led me to
mountain tops, river banks, sandy beaches, misty
valleys, and hot springs, and has caused me to
become soaked to the core while backpacking or
paddling. I hate to admit that my Bible has not
made it with me on many of these occasions for
the sake of protecting it and because I don’t
trust a plastic bag not to puncture. Michael and
I have been talking about how awesome it would
be to have a waterproof Bible for many years
now, and we have finally decided to produce it
ourselves. Now we can put an end to all the
worrying that we have done in the past about our
Bibles and take God’s Word wherever our
adventures lead. To make this happen, Michael,
Anna (my wife), and I have formed Bardin &
Marsee Publishing, LLC to produce the world’s
first waterproof, rugged, and tear resistant
Bibles. We hope that you find heaps of enjoyment
reading God’s Word in all weather environments.
Bardin & Marsee have kindly offered up six
copies of the NIV Waterproof Bible for this
giveaway so there will be, of course, six
winners. Rules: You may only enter the draw
once. Simply fill out your name and email
address to enter the draw. As soon as the
winners have been chosen, all names and
addresses will be immediately and permanently
erased. Winners will be notified by email. The
giveaway closes Saturday at noon.
If God is Good--Book Review
Randy Alcorn writes this insightful review of the book 'If Giod is Good' about what Christians believe.
Keith Urban - God's Been Good To Me - Music Video

It seems a fair question, doesn’t it? If God is
truly good, as Christians insist, then how can
there be so much suffering in the world? Since
ancient times this question has led skeptics to
believe that God cannot, must not, exist. Even
today’s so-called New Atheists show how little
is really new when they use the existence of
suffering and evil as a linchpin of their
arguments against God’s existence. Quite simply,
they say, if suffering and evil exist, then God
must not. Yet though people have wrestled with
this question and allowed it to drive them from
the faith, many more have wrestled with it and
have come to the conclusion that God does exist
despite suffering. They have found that
suffering is God’s invitation to trust in him
and to hold out hope for a better world to come.
If God Is Good is the latest book from Randy
Alcorn’s who is probably best-known for his last
major release, Heaven, which has sold well over
a half million copies in hardcover. From my
experience, Alcorn primarily writes three types
of books: novels, very small books and very
large books. If God Is Good, like Heaven before
it, fits squarely in the final category.
Weighing in at 512 pages, this is a good-sized
hardcover that offers a thorough examination and
defense of faith in the midst of suffering and
evil. The topic Alcorn deals with in this book
is a particularly difficult one. Humility and
practicality, trademarks of his ministry, are
evident in the books earliest pages. “If I
thought I had no helpful perspectives on the
problem, it would be pointless for me to write
this book. If I imagined I had all the answers
neatly lined up, it would be pointless for you
to read it.” He seeks to get right to the bottom
of the subject and, as we learn, a sound
theology of suffering touches upon many
different areas. This leads him into theology
that is increasingly foundational, plunging into
deeper and deeper waters. He looks to the source
and nature of evil, human depravity (advocating
total spiritual inability), free will (arguing
for compatibilism), divine omniscience,
omnipotence and omnibenevolence, the existence
of Heaven and Hell, justification,
sanctification and so on. What area of the
Christian life remains untouched by this great
question of suffering? In what area of life or
theology is evil not an unfortunate
consideration? Throughout the book Alcorn’s
style is stridently didactic, bearing shades of
Heaven. But where Heaven depended heavily on
questions and answers, If God Is Good leans upon
bolded headings followed by explanations. The
style is unique in all the books I’ve read, but
quite effective. These are headings that cannot
be skipped over as they are integral to the flow
of the book. So choosing a page at random, we
see a heading of “Free Will in Heaven.”
Immediately below that is a bolded sentence
saying, “Free will in Heaven will not require
that we be capable of sinning or that humanity
may fall again.” There follows seven or eight
paragraphs of explanation and then another
bolded sentence to delineate the next few
paragraphs: “We will have true freedom in
Heaven, but a righteous freedom that never
sins.” And so it continues throughout. This
writing style fits well with the way I learn,
though I did discover to my chagrin that I tend
to skip over headings and often had to backtrack
to ensure that I was not missing important
content. As we would expect, Alcorn’s teaching
is interlaced with stories of grace through
suffering. Some of these come from the author’s
own life (consider reading this article if you
have never read of some of Alcorn’s own
suffering) while others come from family or
friends or strangers. More than supplementary
material, these examples show how God has acted
in grace toward his people as they have
suffered. Though the size of the book may warn
some away (then again, this has certainly not
proven the case with Heaven) the book is in no
way an academic treatise. To the contrary, it is
written with a general audience firmly in mind
and, because it never gets bogged down in
detail, anyone should be able to read and to
enjoy it. In fact, though the book does teach
some profoundly important theology and though it
is concerned with doctrine, it is always
pastoral in its tone. This is not theology for
the sake of theology, but theology that brings
true peace and comfort. Where firmness is
required, Alcorn provides firmness, but where
gentleness is best, he is gentle. Writing to
those who may see little need to read such a
book he says, “We shouldn’t wait until suffering
comes to start learning about how to face it any
more than we should wait to fall into the water
to start learning how to scuba dive.” To those
skeptics who are convinced that the existence of
suffering must mean the non-existence of God he
challenges, “This is one of the great paradoxes
of suffering. Those who don’t suffer much think
suffering should keep people from God, while
many who suffer a great deal turn to God, not
from him.” And for those who know suffering all
too well he encourages, “Our present sufferings
are a brief but important part of a larger plan
that one day will prove them all worthwhile.”
There can be a fine line between exhaustive and
exhausting. In the case of If God Is Good,
Alcorn has succeeded in writing a book that is
long and thorough but not at all tiresome. And
though this book enters quite a crowded field,
it offers a depth, a thoroughness, a pastoral
spirit that set it apart. I very much enjoyed
reading it and trust that you will too. I am
glad to give it my highest recommendation.
Keith Urban - God's Been Good To Me - Music Video

Prophets of the Lord Sustain Us Today
Chow says:
I was driving down a lane in my station wagon
and the thought came to me about someone who
made a quite...quite original comment. But we'll
talk about later. I was distracted because I
thought to much of myself and my words and how
they went no-where apparently! I failed to
convince anyone of anything. I thought that was
refrigerator courtesy. I felt hanging on meat
hook in the fridge... I took to the Lord. I said
to him, "Perhaps it's a waste of time all this
proclaiming and preaching and telling and
looking up and explaining...?" And he said that
the commodity of the truth was not for everyone
and he reminded me in the best efforts, I will
never turn anyone to him unless he calls that
person. But he said, "You have to make the
commodity of the truth availiable to everyone as
a witness..." It suffice to tell the truth and
the truth will find his man of woman in the
multitudes! We turn to Isaiah 39:1-8, ["...1At
that time Merodachbaladan, the son of Baladan,
king of Babylon, sent letters and a present to
Hezekiah: for he had heard that he had been
sick, and was recovered. 2And Hezekiah was glad
of them, and shewed them the house of his
precious things, the silver, and the gold, and
the spices, and the precious ointment, and all
the house of his armour, and all that was found
in his treasures: there was nothing in his
house, nor in all his dominion, that Hezekiah
shewed them not. 3Then came Isaiah the prophet
unto king Hezekiah, and said unto him, What said
these men? and from whence came they unto thee?
And Hezekiah said, They are come from a far
country unto me, even from Babylon. 4Then said
he, What have they seen in thine house? And
Hezekiah answered, All that is in mine house
have they seen: there is nothing among my
treasures that I have not shewed them. 5Then
said Isaiah to Hezekiah, Hear the word of the
LORD of hosts: 6Behold, the days come, that all
that is in thine house, and that which thy
fathers have laid up in store until this day,
shall be carried to Babylon: nothing shall be
left, saith the LORD. 7And of thy sons that
shall issue from thee, which thou shalt beget,
shall they take away; and they shall be eunuchs
in the palace of the king of Babylon. 8Then said
Hezekiah to Isaiah, Good is the word of the LORD
which thou hast spoken. He said moreover, For
there shall be peace and truth in my days...]
There will be a time when those of the world
will take the treasure of the truth in this
store-house and take it to their palaces, their
homes and families and nations. And it will be
peaceful for us in our days and secure. And
while dinner is being served there will be
peace. But once the prophets or the Lord are
gone, there will be trouble and calamity and
screaming and moaning. The anti of antis will
rise and he will bring trouble to those who did
not get the message...A time of trouble like
there has never been or will be...
Unknown Prophets - Lord Please

I was driving down a lane in my station wagon
and the thought came to me about someone who
made a quite...quite original comment. But we'll
talk about later. I was distracted because I
thought to much of myself and my words and how
they went no-where apparently! I failed to
convince anyone of anything. I thought that was
refrigerator courtesy. I felt hanging on meat
hook in the fridge... I took to the Lord. I said
to him, "Perhaps it's a waste of time all this
proclaiming and preaching and telling and
looking up and explaining...?" And he said that
the commodity of the truth was not for everyone
and he reminded me in the best efforts, I will
never turn anyone to him unless he calls that
person. But he said, "You have to make the
commodity of the truth availiable to everyone as
a witness..." It suffice to tell the truth and
the truth will find his man of woman in the
multitudes! We turn to Isaiah 39:1-8, ["...1At
that time Merodachbaladan, the son of Baladan,
king of Babylon, sent letters and a present to
Hezekiah: for he had heard that he had been
sick, and was recovered. 2And Hezekiah was glad
of them, and shewed them the house of his
precious things, the silver, and the gold, and
the spices, and the precious ointment, and all
the house of his armour, and all that was found
in his treasures: there was nothing in his
house, nor in all his dominion, that Hezekiah
shewed them not. 3Then came Isaiah the prophet
unto king Hezekiah, and said unto him, What said
these men? and from whence came they unto thee?
And Hezekiah said, They are come from a far
country unto me, even from Babylon. 4Then said
he, What have they seen in thine house? And
Hezekiah answered, All that is in mine house
have they seen: there is nothing among my
treasures that I have not shewed them. 5Then
said Isaiah to Hezekiah, Hear the word of the
LORD of hosts: 6Behold, the days come, that all
that is in thine house, and that which thy
fathers have laid up in store until this day,
shall be carried to Babylon: nothing shall be
left, saith the LORD. 7And of thy sons that
shall issue from thee, which thou shalt beget,
shall they take away; and they shall be eunuchs
in the palace of the king of Babylon. 8Then said
Hezekiah to Isaiah, Good is the word of the LORD
which thou hast spoken. He said moreover, For
there shall be peace and truth in my days...]
There will be a time when those of the world
will take the treasure of the truth in this
store-house and take it to their palaces, their
homes and families and nations. And it will be
peaceful for us in our days and secure. And
while dinner is being served there will be
peace. But once the prophets or the Lord are
gone, there will be trouble and calamity and
screaming and moaning. The anti of antis will
rise and he will bring trouble to those who did
not get the message...A time of trouble like
there has never been or will be...
Unknown Prophets - Lord Please

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Christian Gift Pendant Ideas
christian jewelry pendants

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