Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Salvation Through Art--Sandro Botticelli

The Catholic world has always clothed it's faith in the visual arts, as well as the aural and written word. Here we see a prime example of great Catholic art in the works of Sandro Botticelli who was certainly an exponent of Catholic images, but was also accused of Pagan art in his depictions of Greek Gods.  

I find his paintings utterly magical and deeply expressive, and I think the modern Catholic can easily overlook his forays into the pagan world as simply his way of saying beauty has always existed, and that beauty ultimately comes from God. 

I think it is entirely possible that many have found salvation by way of art--especially art such as this. The art of Botticelli in the Italian world so long ago, in the era of the Renaissance.

Adoration of the Magi by Bottecelli - Picture -

Adoration of the Magi by Bottecelli - Picture -